After a small incident in work Friday getting a face full of crap from old ceiling tiles I woke up this morning with my left eye still very uncomfortable like it was full of sand, but decided to head off to Mabley for a knock up arranged by Sean Verbal Wilson. I got there nice and early and noshed down a full breakfast then went in the draw bag and pulled out 38. That meant nothing to me as the few times I've fished the match lake I've always drawn the other end of the lake. To cut a short storey even shorter after setting up the wind that was blowing realy started to aggravate my eye and made it vertically impossible to see from it. Seeing a pole float was impossible and even looking at the end of my bomb rod was a no go as I was squinting so much my other eye was watering as well. If I had any bites I couldn't see them so after 1 1/2 hours I had to give up. So I got no idea what won or who won it. After leaving my gear in the Cardiff Angling Centre at the lake I headed straight to A&E at the Gwent where I sat for 2 hours before I was seen. After an examination and rather uncomfortable eye wash I was sent home with some antibiotic cream as I had scratched my eyeball quite badly. Ah well, I gave it a go but it wasn't to be today. Roll on next time.
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