After yesterday disaster I was hoping for a few silvers today to keep it interesting. Only 6 today so all decent pegs, or so we thought, were put in. I drew 32 in the deeper water. So a bomb rod was set up to chuck 30 metres to the island. A margin rig to fish both sides. Only tried once with no result so last mention of that. A .5 slim to fish 2+1 up the shelf with caster and maggot over ground bait. And a .75 slim to fish two lines at 13 metres for meat and maggot or expanders over micros. I had Bob "bread head" Price to my left on golden peg 2 and Gerry Welch over on 28. I started on the bomb but after 30 minutes and just a couple of delicate liners I switched to the 2+1 line. A further 15 minutes went by before the first skimmer was landed. But it was along time before the next fish. The bites when they came were tiny dips of the float and most resulted in missed strikes. To cut along story short it was a case of continuously switching around just to get the odd bite. The whole lake was rock hard. Gerry had his first bite and fish after 3 hours. I did manage one carp on a new maggot line at top five length. But that was the only one. Plus a bonus 1lb perch on 2+1 on single dead red. At the end I was sure I'd be nowhere but my silvers, what few I had, went 2-10, which was top today. And my carp took it to 9-5 which ended up second. Winner was Norman Ferris on 22 with 13-4 that I think was three carp. He didn't go in the super pool so I took that. Thanks Norm 😁.
1st Norm Ferris 13-4
2nd Stu Barnett 9-5
3rd Bob Price 4-10
1st Stu Barnett 2-10
2nd Bob Price 2-2
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