Sunday, 26 February 2017

Windmill open 26/2/17

Not done a blog for a couple of weeks as I've caught bugger all to talk about. Didn't fish yesterday so was looking forward to it. Only 7 today, but by the new fishery rules it meant the golden peg was in. Into the draw and out comes 22. Wasn't too displeased as that side of the island had a bit of recent form. Even though it was from peg 25 winning the last two matches. I had the end peg today so only Dave Haines next to me on 24. Strangely, even though he was next to the form peg, he never went across all day and just fished his top two for silvers, even though there was no silvers pool. Ah well, it left the far side for me to exploit. 4 rigs and a bomb rod set up. A .1 Shalla slim to fish 16 meters to the island straight in front on pellet. The bomb rod would take care of searching the island in other spots. But the pellet rig never got used as at the all in the wind picked up alot and made it impossible to go that far. A meat rig to fish at 10 meters. A silvers rig incase it was hard. And a margin rig to fish corn to my left in a big gap in the vegetation that plagues this place. At the start I fed my lines and went over to the island with 8mm pellet, waiting for the wind to drop. But it never all day. After half an hour and no indications I came in on the silvers line. I had a few but they were tiny roach. So after a while I went back over casting around. Another half hour before the tip went round, and it was a good skimmer around 2lb. Not what I wanted but no one else was catching so it was a welcome addition to the net. I tried the meat line after two hours but it was impossible to hold the float still so that didn't last long. Back over and I managed  two carp in two chucks for about 14lb. So I was now well ahead of anybody else. Dave was catching regularly but it was mainly whitebait. I came back on my silvers line and there were quite alot there but they were mainly very small. And even at two plus two line it was very hard to present the bait still in the hard wind. So I decided to concentrate on the bomb and just hoped to pick up a couple more. But it didn't happen. With an hour to go I came into my margin line. In 20 minutes I landed three small carp. And I mean small. They probably went just over 3lb between them. A quick re-feed and back over to the island to try my luck and I finally got a few pull rounds landing 4 in the last half hour. At the end I was guessing on around 35lb. My silvers went over two and my carp took it to 37lb something for the win. I didn't get the result sheet photo and I'm not too sure who got second as I wanted to get away for the rugby. But second was around 7lb. Sorry it's a bit vague. It really did fish hard and I consider myself a bit lucky to find a few that wanted to feed. Remember I said the golden peg was in, well I had it , so a nice little bonus pick up. Happy days

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